Reach for the stars

Monday, March 03, 2008

A wise man once said

The words I say mean nothing. What you understand from them is yours to keep, not mine to give. Everyone has their own interpretation of this story, and what it means to them would vary. So, whatever you gleamed from this, treasure it.

Have you listened to yourself lately? Heard what your body is trying to tell you? From the palpitations of the heart, to the twitching of your eyelids; from the tingling in the soles of your feet to the throbbing of your back. All of these are small signals that your body is trying to send you, to describe the environment that you are in.
A while back, I thought my body stopped speaking to me, that it was silent. I felt uncertain, unsure, confused. Lost. But I have since learnt that it wasn't my body giving me the silent treatment. Far from it, it was screaming out. But human ears have the tendency to strain out the sounds that it doesn't want to hear, and thus, I heard nothing.
Since then, I have began listening to myself again. And im finding that my body tells me much, and generally has good instincts when left to its own devices (much akin to knowing how to proceed when faced with a math problem). And so, I've heard my body speak once again, and while I disagree with what its telling me, I'd still listen to it. There is sense in what it says, I'd have to ponder more.


  • Our body and our mind both try to tell us to correct our thinking and our behavior at some times during the day or night and even in our dreams.
    If we want to have an experience of total joy in our life, we should listen to what they are saying.

    Ramesh Gupat, M.D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:16 AM  

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