Reach for the stars

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Went down early to get rush tickets for Chicago, which were side view hence not that good. but was cheap. Had breakfast with Sam, food under $10 is crap in NY. Then i made an exciting statement 'Let 2 be an odd prime and 3 be an even prime, so on and so forth.' The best part of it was, he didn't contradict me.

Met up with Kenneth for lunch, walked around and chatted, sat down ate and chatted, shopped and chatted. Why does the word 'chatted' appear so much? Cos we covered lots of topics, like why mathematicians are such a quirky bunch, what constitutes maturity, where to go from here, etc. Quite a few times, due to interruptions, we forgot what the exact topic was, then started blundering around till the thread was picked back up. As a side note, I should stop being able to lie so well. Ended up buying two shirts from Macy's, and I quite like my choice, also got some ear muffs. This was much more efficient that what I did on tuesday.

Had dinner, with reiterates the fact that food under $10 is crap in NY. Watched Chicago (in New York) after that. After the first act, I felt that the movie was better, partly cos of the sets and 'better' story (but thats cos its a movie). But after the 2nd act, I think the musical is much better (and there were quite a few differences from the movie). So you should watch the musical, even if you have seen the movie (of course, this applies only to the boradway version that I have seen).

This brings me to a budding thought about reasons that people give for their actions. History would be much more 'truthful' if people recorded down the 'second-to-second' reason for taking their actions. Because then, you don't have the benefit of hindsight, to justify it with whatever benefits you obtained, or disadvantages you missed out on. At times, I find that the reason for doing things have changed over time (after the event occurred that is), perhaps as a way to justify my doing them. But often, after a while more, i recognize the original reasons for doing so, and judge myself according to them. It's all good.


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